
23 Of The Absolute Pettiest Things People Tried To Gatekeep

1.This concerned citizen who made up a rule that you can't wear sneakers in the Oval Office:

A woman saying you can't wear sneakers in the Oval Office

2.This metal fan who said women shouldn't take pictures at events...because you couldn't possibly be enjoying something if you're taking pictures of it:

"I went to a metal concert and there were a lot of female posers just there flirting and standing there like clowns.."

3.This person who saw that the Bidens both ordered the same rigatoni dish at a restaurant and shared his weird rule that no one's allowed to order the same thing:

A man saying no one is allowed to order the same dish

4.This person who said that if you can't drive stick, you shouldn't drive at all:

"If you can't drive a car with a manual transmission, you don't deserve a license."

5.This person who really said healthcare workers shouldn't be called "heroes":

"Stop referring to healthcare workers as heroes."

6.This person who saw a post from a girl whose hair fell out from using too much bleach and tried to gatekeep hair loss:

"we get it, only cancer patients can suffer."

7.This parent who thought that people without kids couldn't possibly be the same level of tired as people with kids:

"When I hear someone without kids complain about being tired."

8.This person with major ~high school bully~ vibes who tried to gatekeep birthday cakes:

"The fact that at age 20 your still having your parents buy you a birthday cake"

9.This person who must have thrown out all of their hoodies the night before they turned 47:

"Nothing if you're a college student or younger."

10.This person who tried to gatekeep cow-print clothing:

"it just feels like a kick in the head when thin people dress in cow print..."

11.This Android-user who made up a rule that iPhones are for 13-year-old girls only and Androids are for adults:

"Adults use Android"

12.This person who said that certain wallets have an age limit:

"Guys, you should own an age appropriate wallet."

13.This gatekeeper who made up a rule that once a woman turns 30, she can no longer celebrate Valentine's Day:

"If you're older than 29 years, please wait for 'Mother's Day'"

14.This extremely classist "mover and shaker" who felt entitled enough to say that cars that aren't as "nice" as his don't deserve to use the regular car wash:

"Do not use the automatic car wash as those are reserved for people with nice cars."

15.This EV owner who took the time to write a note to a person CHARGING THEIR CAR telling them it's not a real electric car...

A note attached to someone's electric car

...and literally compared it to parking in an accessible parking space as a person without a disability:

"I guess you also park in disabled spaces when you have a cold."

16.This hiker who tried to gatekeep being prepared for a hike:

"my 5 yr old walked the same trail in Crocs carrying a naked Barbie."

17.This father who seemed to be passing down his gateekeeping through generations:

"This is some elitism at its finest"

18.This person who must regard themselves as the official goth gatekeeper:

Someone comparing fake goth to real goth

19.This mad lad who should maybe stop going out:

"my mad night is 3 fights with people getting stabbed gettin searched by cops ..."

20.This person who saw a picture of a very organized and pretty bookshelf and accused the owner of not even reading books:

"Which is exact opposite thinking of actual book reader."

21.This person who tried to gatekeep flavors:

"Green apple is for children."

22.This gatekeeping duo who thought up the brilliant idea of having two separate drink stations at bars and cafes since they clearly have trouble waiting their turn:

"Can we also add coffee shops to this movement."

23.And finally, this gatekeeper who had the worst take I've seen in a long time:

"Tag a mom who really ain't a mom."

H/T: r/gatekeeping