
5 Simple Ways to Save Money in the Kitchen

Welcome to Thrifty. A weekly column where assistant nutrition editor and registered dietitian, Jessica Ball, keeps it real on how to grocery shop on a budget, make healthy meals for one or two, and make earth-friendly choices without overhauling your entire life.

There is a common misconception that eating healthy and leading a healthy lifestyle is expensive, but that doesn't always have to be the case. There are plenty of little changes you can make that add up to big savings. As a dietitian on a budget, I love spending time in the kitchen and cooking (and eating!), but it's equally important to me to save where I can. From how you clean your dishes to the settings on your appliances, a little planning and mindfulness can help you follow a healthy lifestyle without breaking the bank.

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5 Simple Ways to Save Money in the Kitchen

Here are a few of my favorite small changes that lead to big savings over time.

1. Cut Sponges in Half

Our test kitchen manager, Breana Killeen, M.P.H., RD, inspired me with this incredible trick to keep your kitchen sponges germ-free. Instead of using a whole sponge at a time, Killeen cuts them in half. Not only does this reduce waste, but also it helps your sponges last twice as long so you have to restock less frequently. Sponges can carry a lot of germs, and should be replaced at least once a week. This trick will help keep your dishes germ-free without breaking the bank.

2. Go Reusable