
This 54-HP Renault Is the Perfect $500 'Ring Car

Photo credit: One Lap Heroes - YouTube
Photo credit: One Lap Heroes - YouTube

From Road & Track

If you visit the Nurburgring frequently enough, you'll eventually crash. That's what happened to Andrea, owner of a twice-wrecked-on-the-'Ring Honda S2000 from the One Lap Heroes YouTube channel. Since his car wasn't fixed in time for the 2018 season, he decided to buy a first-gen Renault Twingo off eBay and take it to the Green Hell instead.

As you may recall, the One Lap Heroes crew are the same people responsible for piling into a clapped-out Fiat Multipla and hitting the 'Ring last year. Clearly, they're no strangers to automotive tomfoolery. This time around, they've rolled up in a 54-horsepower economy car to take their first flat-out lap of the season.

Photo credit: OneLapHeros
Photo credit: OneLapHeros

Luckily for us, the crew caught their (incredibly long) lap all on camera for us to enjoy. Watch for yourself as they talk plans for 2018, all while getting passed by BMWs and Porsches doing triple their speed.

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