
Abandoned Dodge Chargers Rescued From Missouri Field

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They’re finally going to some loving homes…

Imagine you’re driving along and see in a field in a rural area several classic Dodge Chargers just sitting there. The muscle cars have obviously been left in the outdoors for years and years, the thick patina on the paint and the vinyl roofs telling that story. It’s not something most gearheads get to experience these days since such finds are usually out of view of the general public, usually for various reasons.

Check out the monstrous 9.9-liter Hemi V8 in a Dodge Charger here.

Auto Archeology has a knack for tracking down these sorts of miraculous sights. He has a lot of connections and works them well, helping to rescue neglected classic cars like these Dodge Chargers so they get the loving home they so richly deserve. After all, it’s not like Dodge is making cars like these anymore, so we all need to do our part to preserve the past before kids start believing all cars are plastic Easter eggs on wheels.