
Adam Driver Says ‘F*** You’ to Audience Member Asking About ‘Ferrari’ Crash Scenes

adam driver as enzo ferrari
Adam Driver Defends ‘Ferrari’ Crash ScenesCourtesy of IMDb

Adam Driver has some strong feelings about the crash scenes in his new film, Ferrari. Recently there was a Q&A session after a screening at Poland’s Camerimage Film Festival. “What do you think about the crash scenes?” Driver was asked. “They looked pretty harsh, drastic and, I must say, cheesy for me. What do you think?” Driver paused for a moment before replying with: “Fuck you, I don’t know. Next question.”

Obviously, Driver does not agree with the assessment of the crash scenes. He has a lot invested in this film. In addition to being one of the executive producers, Driver stars as automotive icon Enzo Ferrari. The film is directed by four-time Academy Award nominee Michael Mann.

More to the point, Driver is acting in the film, not orchestrating the stunt work, not managing the post production. The question wasn't about Driver's work portraying Enzo Ferrari. It's not really his to answer. Not his department.