
Al Franken Tells Us Who Is The Funniest Senator, And We Didn’t Expect This Answer

 Al Franken in The Daily Show.
Al Franken in The Daily Show.

Al Franken was a writer and performer on Saturday Night Live during a point in time that many would consider to be when the show peaked. In a career turn that some may consider to be odd, he later served as a United States Senator for nearly a decade. This mix of experience in both comedy and politics makes him something of an expert when the two overlap, which is why we’ll have to take his word for it when he tells us that the funniest senator is none other than Republican Lindsey Graham.

For the perfect overlap of both comedy and politics, Franken fit in quite nicely during his stint hosting Comedy Central’s The Daily Show last week. I was able to sit down with him in anticipation of the big week, and when I asked if he was an anomaly in bringing comedy to United States politics, he volunteered the following information:

I mean, I come from comedy where pretty much everyone was trying to be funny and most people are funny. And then in the Senate, there are some people, you know, very often people ask me, ‘who is the funniest senator?’ I say, ‘Lindsey Graham.’ And people get really mad, or at least, you know, Liberals do. But Lindsey is very funny. And there were a few senators who are funny and a lot who weren't. And I had some that were completely humorless.