
Andretti Global Stance and Push Forward Despite Rejection Is Not Winning Over F1

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Andretti Global Stance Not Winning Over F1Chris Graythen - Getty Images

Michael Andretti and the Andretti Global organization's continuance of its Andretti Cadillac Formula 1 project, with a set view on 2026, is not winning fans inside the senior hierarchy of the sport.

An 11th team in Formula 1, and one carrying Andretti’s prestige, would be a plus for the championship, though Formula 1’s stance has not changed since January, when Andretti’s bid—having been approved by the governing body the FIA—was turned down by Formula 1.

Formula 1 has been clear that it has left the door open for a potential Andretti entry in 2028, contingent on Andretti bringing a major OEM in the form of the Cadillac wing of General Motors into the fray as a power unit manufacturer. With that will also come an anti-dilution (basically an entry) fee is likely to have been raised way beyond the $200 million which is set under the existing Concorde Agreement.


All Formula 1 teams are currently financially strong, with Liberty Media CEO Greg Maffei estimating they are all now worth more than $1 billion dollars, and many in the sport can still recall the days—even in the late 2010s—when some teams were struggling to survive, even if the current stance is fueled by a degree of greed.

Andretti’s recent comments, actions, and even Michael Andretti's approaching U.S. government agencies to have them possible look into the process of F1 expansion before 2028—has not gone down well with Formula 1. F1 team principals have pointed out that Formula 1 is neither anti-American, nor anti-Andretti, but that merely anti the introduction of any 11th team in the short-term.

F1 also underlined that Ford has formed a partnership from 2026 with Red Bull Racing’s Red Bull Powertrains division, while newcomer Audi is entering Formula 1 via a strategic alliance with Sauber Motorsport. There are no guarantees for an Andretti Cadillac alliance and team making the Formula 1 grid, even as far out as 2028.

This issue is set to rumble on for months but Formula 1’s stance on 2026 won’t change.