
The Anti-Hillary Clinton Group That Wanted to Sponsor an IndyCar Made Just $950

From Road & Track

UPDATE, 11/8/2016: With Election Day upon us, it's worth noting the party below which was chronicled in February, was unsuccessful in its attempt to raise enough money to enter a car for May's Indy 500. It reached a peak intake of $950 before going silent.

If a shadowy group of Hillary Clinton haters has its way, the 100th running of the Indianapolis 500 will be used to influence the outcome of November's presidential election.

An unnamed band of Indianapolis-based motor racing enthusiasts has gathered under the "No Hillary In 2016" banner with ambitions of crowdfunding its way into an entry for May's centennial Indy 500. Despite its appearance as a possible story hatched by "The Onion," recently went live to generate funds for its initiative.


According to one supporter, the racing team meant to run the "No Hillary In 2016" effort has previously competed in the Indy 500. It's believed "Fan Force United," which participated in the 2012 Indy 500 with ex-Formula 1 driver Jean Alesi and started and finished last, is the intended recipient for the money attracted by the project.

Amid quotes from George Washington and Ronald Reagan, the anti-Clinton website states: "Hillary Clinton stands for everything that is wrong with our country today: constant attacks on our Second Amendment right, the degradation of our Religious Freedoms, a joke of a 'Health Care' system, a complete failure of a foreign policy, and so much more. This Memorial Day, we want to make a bold statement to the world that The American People have had enough of these failures! We are collecting contributions to enter a car in the 100th running of the Indianapolis 500, the largest sporting event on the planet, to make your voice heard. "WE DON'T WANT HILLARY!" If you care about Freedom, Democracy, Liberty, and The American Dream, don't wait a second longer and join us today."

Launched last week, the group's aim of generating $999,999 in funding through its website has led 11 representatives of "The American People" to donate $610 (at the time of publishing).

(According to the "No Hillary In 2016" team, "Contributions from foreign nationals or entities are prohibited." The American People have 52 days left to help "No Hillary In 2016" find the other $999,389 it seeks.)

Known worldwide as the largest single-day sporting event, politicians have made numerous appearances at the Indy 500 throughout the years to boost their profiles. It's believed this group's intent to use "The Greatest Spectacle in Racing" to impede a candidate's presidential bid is a first. Despite the charged nature of this Indy 500-related campaign-and the financial support it could find-there are significant obstacles facing the "No Hillary In 2016" team.

Assuming it can raise the funding to participate in the 2016 Indy 500, its entry would need to be accepted by the Verizon IndyCar Series, which sanctions the event. Provided that challenge it successfully met, it would then need to acquire an engine lease from Chevy or Honda to propel its chassis. It would also need to secure a tire lease from Firestone before the car can turn laps on the legendary 2.5-mile oval.

In today's financial climate, the likelihood of Chevy, Honda, or Firestone associating itself with a team bearing any overt political message through an Indy 500 program -especially one that supports or vilifies a specific candidate-is highly unlikely. While the "No Hillary In 2016" team could indeed reach its crowdfunding goal, the polarizing nature of its message could ensure its car lacks engines and tires to participate come May.

I can't imagine any manufacturer would put their name on something like this

"I can't imagine any manufacturer would put their name on something like this," one supplier told Road &, and another said "There isn't any way we would support something like this."

The most recent intersection between the Indy 500 and a political figure came in 2011 when Donald Trump accepted an invitation to drive the pace car that leads the field of 33 cars to start the race. Although he had yet to declare, Trump was widely rumored to be considering a run for the presidency in 2012.

Trump, whose claim to fame at the time also came from hosting a television show, and his front-running position within the "Birther"movement which questioned president Barack Obama's country of origin, bowed out from pace car driving duties after significant backlash began to grow.

A Facebook group named "Bump Trump" was formed to rally support to remove Trump from the role. Four-time Indy 500 winner A.J. Foyt was eventually named as Trump's pace car replacement.

"This debate stems from unfounded, incorrect and malicious lies that Donald Trump has a racial bias toward the president," Trump lawyer Michael Cohen told the Indianapolis Star in a 2011 interview. "Nothing could be further from the truth; Donald Trump doesn't have a racist bone in his body."

Cohen also dismissed the notion a Facebook group unseated Trump from the Chevy Camaro his client was due to drive at the 95th Indy 500.

"They have 11,000 followers, right?" he continued. "There are over 300,000 people coming to the Indy 500. That sounds like a very small number of people who are probably not even Indy 500 fans."

Although the "No Hillary In 2016" group is believed to be the first Indy 500 team of its kind associated in any way with the highest office in the land, those seeking local or regional political appointment have used the race to amplify their awareness in the past.

"Al and Bobby Unser and Art Pollard did a commercial in the 1960s for [Indianapolis] Mayor Richard Luger, standing out in front of the Speedway," said Indianapolis native and veteran IndyCar reporter Robin Miller. "It was 'Vote for Dick Luger, he's done a great job, blah, blah, blah.'

"And then Bill Daniels sponsored Lloyd Ruby in the early 1970s; Daniels ran for governor in Colorado and his campaign logo was definitely on the car." Daniels' bid for governor was unsuccessful.

With less than two months left in the "No Hillary In 2016" fundraising campaign, politically-minded Indy 500 fans have a new website to follow. On the budgetary front, it's 0.061 percent down, and 99.939 percent to go.

Note: This story was originally posted on 2/9/2016 and has been updated with the final sum raised by the group. - Ed.

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