
We're Driving Our NSX 2400 Miles This Weekend

Photo credit: Bob Sorokanich
Photo credit: Bob Sorokanich

From Road & Track

When you daydream about driving a supercar, you probably think of a few different scenarios. Blasting around a racetrack, maybe, or scything up a twisty, abandoned canyon road. Or making a grand entrance at your high school reunion, though maybe that's just me.

You probably don't think of 34-hour interstate slogs.

But that's what myself and R&T's Brian Silvestro are about to embark on. This publication's long-term Acura NSX has spent the last month in Seattle, Washington. Now it's needed at the magazine's headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I'm picking up Brian from the airport in an hour, and we're getting right on the highway and not looking back.


It's not quite the glamorous driving these cars are built for, but we're genuinely looking forward to the trip. The NSX won our 2017 Performance Car of the Year award thanks to its astronomical performance on track and its outrageous capabilities on the street. But there's nothing like a couple thousand miles of highway to uncover a car's true personality.

And truthfully, we're looking forward to it. Cross-country drives are a joy, no matter what you're driving. Doing it in a mid-engine wedge with 573 horsepower and torque-vectoring all-wheel drive is just icing on the cake. We'll be sending along updates about the car and the drive as we make our way east. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat to see where we're at, what we're doing, and how many bugs wind up sacrificing their lives to the NSX's pointy front end.

Unless Brian and I kill each other over our mutual bad taste in music first.

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