
Here's What Happens When You Let a WRC Driver Run Wild on a Hillclimb

Photo credit: Goodwood Road & Racing - YouTube
Photo credit: Goodwood Road & Racing - YouTube

From Road & Track

Citroën WRC driver Mads Østberg sure knows how to put on a show. His latest demonstration came at this year's Goodwood Festival of Speed, where he thrashed his rally car to the brink at nearly every corner. It's a truly fun thing to watch.

Though modern WRC cars are restricted to under 400 horsepower, Østberg sure knows how to make the most of it, getting sideways and kicking up dirt at every opportunity. The Citroën crew seemed to have left the car in its high ride-height gravel setting, which means lots of crowd-pleasing body roll. Østberg even stops halfway up the course to perform a few donuts.


No, it certainly wasn't the fastest run of the weekend (that accolade went to the Pikes Peak-winning all-electric Volkswagen I.D. R), but it might be the most fun to watch. Throw on some headphones and check out the video for yourself.

If you can't see the YouTube video above, click here.

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