
What's Wrong With this McLaren F1 Photo?

Photo credit: McLaren
Photo credit: McLaren

From Road & Track

Former McLaren boss Ron Dennis is known for his obsessive attention to detail. For instance, the McLaren Technology Centre, or MTC, has a lower atmospheric pressure in the cafeteria than in the rest of the building to ensure that when the doors are opened, the smell of food doesn't escape into the rest of the building.

This is a method that medical research labs use to keep pathogens from escaping. Except here it's used to keep the smell of pasta away from workers. Crazy.

That also explains how his company created the F1, the greatest road car the world has ever seen. Everything on the F1 was done with no compromise. Even today, maintenance on the car is undertaken by a select few who know every single bit and piece of the F1 inside and out.


But it seems that the day this photoshoot happened, the attention to detail was slightly lacking. This orange F1 is still stunningly beautiful and meticulously clean. But look at the left rear tire. Can you see an issue? Let's zoom in:

Photo credit: McLaren
Photo credit: McLaren

The left rear tire is either supposed to be on the right rear, or is mounted backwards. How did that get by the powers that be? It was likely corrected before the car ever drove, but if Ron didn't go nuts when he saw this, maybe he will now.

Hat tip to Dave on Jalopnik

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