
Arizona Police Track Down Drunk Driver Who Killed Woman In 1994

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Arizona Police Track Down Drunk Driver Who Killed Woman In 1994
Arizona Police Track Down Drunk Driver Who Killed Woman In 1994

Few things can approximate the pain of losing a loved one because someone chose to drive drunk. Even worse is when that person flees justice for almost three decades. Just such a thing happened in Scottsdale, Arizona but police recently tracked down a drunk driver who caused a fatal accident way back in 1994, killing Angela Maher.

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But there are a few bizarre twists in the case. For starters, the drunk driver, who was also apparently high, Gloria Schulze, fled Arizona before her trial, in which she was found guilty of manslaughter, has been dead for years. What’s more, she changed her identity and lived out the rest of her life in Canada.


It gets even more interesting as it’s been revealed the woman was arrested in Canada for DUI in 2009 and yet wasn’t identified and brought to justice. The victim’s brother wants answers about how that could be, and we completely understand why.

Police were able to confirm Schulze’s identity through matching fingerprints. Why didn’t that trigger something when she was arrested in 2009?

Schulte hid out in Yellowknife, a remote community in the Northwest Territories. She assumed the name Kate Dooley and thus hid out from the consequences of her reckless, selfish actions in 1994.

It wasn’t until an anonymous caller contacted a member of Maher’s family, telling them Schulze had recently died in Canada that she was finally tracked down. Only it was too late for her to be held accountable by the justice system in Arizona, Schulze having died in 2019 from cancer.

Another bitterly ironic twist in this case is that Maher founded a chapter of Students Against Drunk Driving at Xavier College Preparatory High School before the fatal crash, says 12 News. She died by the very thing she tried to help prevent.

Image via 12 News/YouTube