
People Are Recalling The '90s Trends That Somehow Haven't Come Back In Style Yet, And I Forgot Some Of These KoOoOol Things Existed

If you grew up in the '90s, you may vividly remember how wild some of the trends were. While some of the trends actually came back in 2023 — think: slip dresses and chokers — there are a few that are still in the vault to yet make an appearance.

friends with chokers on
Jena Ardell / Via Getty Images

So when I saw Reddit u/MediumRareTaint user ask: "What’s a '90s fad that hasn’t come back in style yet?" I thought it would be fun to "go back in time" and recall what used to be popular. Here are some of the trends below.

1."Remember when we went absolutely nuts for yo-yos for a bit?"

three men playing with yo-yos

2."Clear see-through electric devices."

iMac commerical

3."Novelty landline phones."

a phone that looks like an airplane


Pogs inside the pog containers

5."Frosted tips!"

Jason bigs talking to someone

6."Music on MTV."

a '90S MTV commercial

7."Chain Wallets. Everyone had one of those bad boys in high school."

Greg Behrendt  showing his chain wallet and belt


people wearing jnco

9."My Tamagotchi is still dead."


10."Hypercolor shirts."

a boy wearing a hypercolor shirt

11."Not a fad I guess, but I miss that '90s design that was on cups. Kinda hard to describe without showing a picture but, hopefully, someone knows what I mean. lol."

Gina holding a jazz cup

12."Overalls with one buckle undone."

Raye wearing a '90s outfit

13."Inflatable furniture!"


14."Tying your flannel shirt around your waist."

a skater woman with a flannel shirt around waist

15."Creative cereal flavors with a hearty oat or rice base and actual prizes in the box (none of that generic, corn-based birthday cake flavor for every licensed cereal)."

Sprinkle Spangles commercial

16."Platform flip flops. Really nice for us short folk."

platform flip flops

17."Slap bracelets."

a girl putting on slap braclets

18."Flip shades!!! Omg!! Those were the shit in the early '90s!"

Flip-up sunglasses

19."Beanie Babies."

teenie beanie babies with a happy meal commercial

Is there a '90s fad you remember that hasn't come back just yet? If so, tell us what it is in the comments below.