
The Underground World Of The Ethereum Magicians: Benzinga Interviews Anett Rolikova At EthCC 5

The Fellowship of Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH) Magicians operates as an open forum, with a focus on helping to improve the Ethereum network. The group allows members to come and go as they please, and refers to Ethereum as “Magic,” since this new technology often feels so advanced.

The group officially formed in 2018 and has been collectively discussing ideas for improvements to guide Ethereum along its roadmap.

Benzinga sat down with Anett Rolikova following her talk at the Ethereum Community Conference 5 in Paris. Rolikova, a core member of the Ethereum magicians, she spoke about her distaste toward the NFT standard ERC-721.


Rolikova explains her issues with the standard, “Oh, I really don't like the metadata, and I feel like we can do better on how we can improve the metadata in the space, and also the music NFT industry. Trying to figure out how to help with that and how to work on new music NFT standards as well.”

“But also so many problems are coming from the music industry itself, the old music industry,” she added.

Rolikova also spoke to Benzinga about how the Magicians formed and how they can make an impact.

"We are a discussion forum for discussing all things Ethereum, mainly about EIPs (Ethereum Improvement Proposals). We started because there was an EIP that somebody from the community proposed, and the EIP was denied, and the person wanted to know why," she said.

"So we started a forum where they can discuss why an EIP didn't go through and to try and gain community output for all governance processes and also provide a space for noise-free discussions because a lot of EIPs were discussed in chats, you know, like telegram channels or Twitter," she explained.

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