
Big Rig Truck Gets Involved at Oakland Sideshow, Crowd Goes Wild

big rig truck at takeover side show
Big Rig Gets Involved at Oakland Side ShowKRON 4 News - YouTube

A big rig was one of 30 or so vehicles involved in illegal sideshow or "takeover" events on the streets of Oakland, California on Friday, sending social media into a frenzy.

KRON 4 News was able to obtain video of a proper 18-wheeler performing at one of three sideshow events that took place on Friday night into Saturday morning in the city which borders San Francisco.

The truck wasn't getting as properly sideways as the other cars at the event, obviously, but reactions from the crowd suggest just its presence was enough to drum up serious hype.

Other video obtained by KRON 4 News shows Infinitis and BMWs sliding in front of crowds on public roads throughout the city on the same night.


Oakland police told the news agency it's working to gather more information, and added it's aware of several people who were engaged in the overnight events.

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