
Chevy’s apocalyptic Super Bowl ad for the Silverado disses Ford hard

One thing that's been absent from this torrent of car ads for Super Bowl XLVI has been any sense of rivalry, the Coke vs. Pepsi/Bud Light vs. Miller Lite corporate jousting that can often produce pure entertainment. Chevrolet has now filled that gap with this spot for the Chevy Silverado, suggesting should the world end, you won't want to drive a Ford.

The Chevy and Ford rivalry has picked up in recent years, thanks to a new sense of aggression at General Motors and some public smack talking by Ford execs, such as marketing chief Jim Farley's comments that he was "going to beat Chevrolet on the head with a bat."

Don't think those words weren't tossed around while Chevy and its ad wizards dreamed up a spot occupying $7 million of air time for the Silverado based on the idea that maybe the Mayans were right -- and so was Paul Thomas Anderson with that biblical plague in "Magnolia."

See Motoramic's roundup of all of this year's automotive Super Bowl ads here