
Flame-throwing, 12,000-hp jet-powered semi yours for just $75,000

Listen boss, if you think you can just strap a jet engine to a semi tractor and roll around drag strips like you're the king, I have news for you: It's been done, and done to death. The current king of the circuit has three jet engines and can hit 350 mph if you put enough asphalt in front of it. To stand out, you need a touch of showmanship -- say, turning the old exhaust stacks into flame throwers. And good news: the original Pyro Jet Truck is for sale.

A combination of a 1982 International Transtar semi, a Westinghouse turbojet and an afterburner from a T-2 Buckeye, the Pyro can reach speeds of 300 mph. Behind the cabin, the two stacks turn either propane or nitrogen-propelled diesel into 30-foot-high spikes of flame. It also comes with its own light show, because no monster truck display is complete without a touch of disco.

The current owners, who cart Pyro to demonstrations around the world, say they're looking to build its successor, and so it's time to move the old merchandise. Of course it's landed on eBay for the reasonable price of $75,000, or perhaps a trade in jet engine parts for Pyro Jr. Here's Pyro showing some appreciation for the people who make its fuel.