
Jerry Seinfeld and Dave Letterman get up to speed in Paul Newman’s V8 Volvo wagon

If you've watched David Letterman long enough, and you're a fan of Volvo wagons with borderline antisocial engine swaps, then you know the story by now of how the late Paul Newman once had his "race goons" (Dave's term) drop a supercharged Ford racing engine into a 1995 Volvo 940 station wagon. For the latest episode of his web series "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee," Jerry Seinfeld commandeers both Newman's own V8 Volvo and Letterman for a talk about comedy, life and kettle corn. But there's a kicker.

Seinfeld has said the series was his way to do a talk show without all the entanglements of regular television, and that despite the way the conversations come together, there is no script for the show. Of course, inviting only people who have been professionally funny for much of their lives keeps the risks of a boring car ride low, but what's most striking about the show to date is how deep the conversations go in between the ribbing.

Even Letterman — who seems as comfortable in public as J.D. Salinger — eventually opens up about his career and life. And at the end, there's a surprise where Letterman turns the tables on Seinfeld and revels himself as a bit of an environmentalist with a car many would never expect him to enjoy: