
Steve Jobs wanted to design an iCar, but never found the time

As Rene Magritte might say, this is not a car
As Rene Magritte might say, this is not a car

Even as he fought the cancer that would kill him, Apple co-founder and chief executive Steve Jobs was dreaming of new ideas for his company, from televisions to medical devices. A new interview with a close friend reveals one of the ideas Jobs kicked around but never got to -- designing his own automobile. Here's why the iCar simply wasn't meant to be.

Mickey Drexler, the chief executive of J. Crew and a board member at Apple, told Fast Company magazine in an interview last month that Jobs had toyed with the idea of jumping into the automotive business.

"Look at the car industry. It's a tragedy in America. Who is designing the cars?" Drexler said in the interview, as reported by cNet. "Steve's dream before he died was to design an iCar." Drexler added that Jobs iCar "would've been probably 50 percent of the market," but that Jobs never got started on the idea.