
Treasure trove of unseen 1950s racing movies hits the starting line

Suzy Dietrich racing
Suzy Dietrich racing

Facing mounting medical bills last year, Suzy Dietrich sold off her collection of memorabilia from her days as a racer during the 1950s and '60s. One of the bigger buyers was Cliff Reuter, operator of, who took several of Dietrich's home movies of '50s-era races at Sebring and elsewhere and put them online. Who needs a DeLorean when you can travel back in time from your desktop?

What the videos lack in sound -- which given the machinery passing a few feet from the camera must have been glorious -- they make up for in a parade of rare metal at speed. Wheeling around in open-cockpit cars wearing t-shirts and flappy helmets, Dietrich's shots show just how little separated driver and danger. Here's one example from Sebring in 1958; check out many others at Etceterini's video page: