
Boris Said Turns Car Salesman After NASCAR Xfinity Wreck at Sonoma

nascar xfinity series zip buy now, pay later 250 practice
Boris Said Turns Car Salesman After NASCAR WreckLogan Riely - Getty Images

Talk about wild, crazy ads for car dealerships. Boris Said just might have delivered the oddest one Friday after NASCAR Xfinity Series practice for the Zip Buy Now, Pay Later 250 at California’s Sonoma Raceway.

The 61-year-old veteran racer crashed his No. 17 Chevrolet Camaro on the recently repaved road course in Northern California Wine Country. And hoping to get back into team owner Rick Hendrick’s good graces, Said urged fans to purchase a car from one of Hendrick Automotive Group’s 93 dealerships.

“It's just embarrassing, to be honest with you. I was just trying to get up to speed, and I just got a little loose and almost saved it and just ran out of talent. Hopefully we have a backup car, and hope I can get out there and maybe safe face and get some people to go to Hendrick Maybe buy a car—that'll help me out. I'm sure Rick's going to be pretty mad I smashed up his really fast race car,” Said told FOX Sports in a television interview.

“Everybody at gave me such a great car. I never crashed a car in practice at Sonoma all my 38 years of racing, and I feel bad for my 10,000 Hendrick teammates that are watching,” he said. “The car is really strong. I don't feel bad at all, as far as physically. I feel really good. Just mentally, it's embarrassing. I mean, it's 38 years of racing and I don't think I've ever felt this bad. So it's disappointing. But hopefully we can get it together for tomorrow qualifying and get a good finish in the show.”