
Minivan stacked on an SUV for the ultimate hunting party ride

Aerostar Silverado stacked truck
Aerostar Silverado stacked truck

Let's take time to salute the mechanical skills of everyday Americans, shown here as applied to the question of how to build a rolling deer blind tall enough to see through trees but mobile enough to get around the Cabela's parking lot in style, using only a Chevrolet Suburban and the body of a Ford Aerostar minivan. The best part: It could be yours for just $8,000.

Caught by 1AAuto on eBay, the bidding ended well short of the seller's reserve and what was claimed to be a $20,000 investment in the stacked utility vehicle. Built from the base of a 1989 Chevrolet Suburban, that's indeed a steering shaft running from the steering wheel of the Ford Aerostar body through the hood of the Chevy so the owner can drive, sleep and hunt all from the upper deck.

The seller says the rig isn't just a pretty face, but comes equipped with the accoutrements a real hunter needs like a four-gun rack, spotlight, heater in the Aerostar and a 300-lb. road feeder for luring deer less than curious about two tons of old Detroit steel.

Aerostar Suburban hunting rig
Aerostar Suburban hunting rig

Laugh all you want, but the more I look at this, the more sense it makes as the ultimate hunting party vehicle -- although given the mobility of many sportsmen, forcing them to climb a ladder to the driver's seat while the passengers get stairs seems a little mean. I'm more surprised that this came from Texas and not the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where the second week of deer camp is the greatest time of year.