
Brad Pitt's F1 Movie Will Just Be Called F1

f1 grand prix of great britain
Brad Pitt's F1 Movie Will Just Be Called F1Ryan Pierse - Getty Images

If you were making a movie about Formula 1, what would you call it? Plenty of good options are available, and the producers of films like Rush, Ferrari, and Grand Prix had no issue finding a good one. The group behind Brad Pitt's upcoming F1 movie went another, more literal direction: Pitt's film will be called F1.

Yes, just F1. Not even Formula 1, just the shorthand name for the racing series it depicts. The entire title is merely F1, as if Days of Thunder was called NASCAR or Space Jam was given the title NBA.

F1 follows in the spirit of the Steve McQueen film Le Mans, both in its particularly literal title and in its heavy emphasis on production during an actual racing event. That means a substantial chunk of the movie was filmed during actual F1 race weekends. A unique race car, the reportedly F2-based APXGP, was also designed to serve as the hero car for the movie. It will be directed by Joseph Kosinski, who you may know as the director of Top Gun: Maverick. An American theatrical release is set for June 27th of next year.


As for the film itself, details are sparse. We know that Pitt plays Sonny Hayes, an older driver returning to the sport after years away. He will serve as a teammate and mentor to the younger Joshua Smith, played by Damson Idris. If all of that sounds familiar, it is because the plot itself is not all that far from the premise of the forgotten and maligned Sylvester Stallone film Driven, which featured the same basic premise in the world of CART. F1, hopefully, will be a level above that one.

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