
Bronco Needs Chevy For Trail Rescue

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Don’t send a Ford to do a bowtie’s job?

One of our favorite YouTube channels is Matt’s Off Road Recovery, which we know is the case with a lot of people these days. It’s definitely entertaining to see Matt and his crew at work as they joke around and pull off some recoveries which seem next to impossible. Just as amusing is to see people get themselves into ridiculous pickles. One of the latest features a new Ford Bronco which went over a sand dune and got stuck in the soft stuff on the other side.

Now, we’re not saying the Bronco got stuck because it’s a Ford. There are plenty of capable off-road Ford builds out there, although Raptors don’t do well in sand either. And we’re not saying it’s hilarious Matt’s driving his modified Chevy Corvair to rescue this Bronco. To be fair, the Morrvair, as it’s called, is obviously heavily modified, a purpose-built machine driven by an incredibly capable man who pilots the Bronco out of the area with true skill. Still, some less mature people would see a metaphor of the rivalry between the Blue Oval and GM and we just can’t stop them from doing that.