
The Bronco Trail App Is an Off-Roader's New Best Buddy

ford bronco trail app used in front of bronco in eruption green
The Bronco Trail App Is an Off-Roader's New BuddyFord

As hundreds of owners converge on Moab for this year's Bronco Safari event, the Ford has just released a new off-roading companion app exclusively for Ford Bronco owners. Known as the Bronco Trail App on both Apple iOS and Android devices, the new service aims to ease the off-roading experience with thousands of curated trail maps, point of interest markers, and topographic maps right at the tips of your fingers.

The Bronco Trail app is host to more than 1200 professionally curated trail maps that span more than 18,000 miles across the United States, Mexico and Canada. Every trail map comes with a difficulty rating, as well as specifics about trailhead locations and overall length. Moab makes for a great place to debut the app, as many of the area's trickier sections are featured for new users. Ford says that it plans to expand the number of routes on offer with future updates to the system. Should the trail guides not provide you with enough information, the app also comes backed by Satellite imagery and 2D topographic maps. You can download these maps ahead of time if you plan to push beyond the boundaries of cell service, which is a nice touch for those who use their Bronco for overlanding. You can also use the app to set your own points of interest on the map, which can be useful for return visits and sharing trail conditions with others.

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The app also comes with some other trick features, including the ability to set truck's tire pressure targets from within the app. The system also supports video capture, complete with a telemetry overlay highlighting pitch, yaw, elevation, RPM and speed among other metrics. These videos are automatically saved to your phone for easy sharing across social media and the forums.

ford bronco trail app video screenshot highlighting telemetry

The Bronco Trail App is currently available for both Android and iOS devices. Owners simply need to download the app and link their FordPass account to unlock all of the features on offer. Considering how popular these sorts of apps are among the off-roading community, it is no surprise to see an OEM want to get in on the action. Hopefully that means more Bronco owners feel confident enough to get out there and try a bit of wheeling for themselves.

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