
Bugatti Rimac Spinoff Claims It Will Debut Autonomous Taxi Early This Year

Image: Bugatti Rimac
Image: Bugatti Rimac

Thirty-five-year-old Mate Rimac might be one of the most interesting figures in cars. The Croatian went from electric-swapping his BMW E30 in his twenties to controlling two of the most advanced hypercar manufacturers in the world and becoming one of the biggest players in the automotive industry. The guy has a track record and I’m willing to at least hear him out. So when he says he’s launching a new autonomous taxi pilot project early this year and plans to have commercial operations up and running in Zagreb, Croatia by 2026, I have to believe it’s possible that it could happen.

Project 3 Mobility is Rimac’s newest initiative, with support from Kia, to get people in autonomous electric pods for their daily errands. Mate wants to “change the lives of more people” with this project, providing easy-access EV urban transport. According to Autocar, the company has been using an old Renault Espace van as the prototype for its autonomous machine, though the finished product will likely be a unique P3M design when it debuts in a couple of months.

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