
Buy This Alpina B7 Before the Warranty Runs Out

Photo credit: Alpina
Photo credit: Alpina

From Road & Track

The modern Alpina B7 is a beautiful, exquisitely detailed, powerful super sedan. It also starts at $142,695. An old Alpina is even cooler and much cheaper, with massive depreciation being a brand staple. That leaves you stuck repairing an ultra-rare version of a six-figure luxury car already known for being high maintenance, though. Right in the goldilocks zone is this 2014 B7, old enough to be the price of a normal family sedan but still with warranty time on the clock. Enjoy it while you can.

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Because five months and two days from now, it becomes a two-and-a-half-ton albatross around your neck. That's the day the bumper-to-bumper warranty expires, meaning you become responsible should your six-figure, high-performance, German luxury barge with every electronic gizmo break down. You're gonna need the included massaging seats to handle that stress.

That doesn't mean it will break then or, even break anytime soon. It might be reliable. But if it's not, your $40,000 car may have a five-figure repair bill. Best-case scenario is The Big One hits between now and December 12, so the warranty company foots the bill. Oh, and since the warranty appears to be a third-party provider, you should probably find out what exactly it covers and whether that's deductible. Five months isn't a lot of time, but my guess is that you're gonna need to know.

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