
Cadillac Escalade Repo Exposes How Little People Know About Cars

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Cadillac Escalade Repo Exposes How Little People Know About Cars
Cadillac Escalade Repo Exposes How Little People Know About Cars

Car repossessions can sometimes be emotionally explosive situations, which in all honesty is what makes them so interesting to watch unfold. It’s even better when you’re partaking of dashcam or bodycam footage of a repo instead of physically being there in the moment. But this repossession of a Cadillac Escalade is next level.

Watch a father hold the repo man at gunpoint.

In the footage, we see a woman get into the luxury SUV after a tow truck already wisely used its boom to raise the rear wheels. A guy who sure looks like he’s wearing a police uniform comes up to the driver’s door as the woman hits the accelerator while screaming.


The thing is the Escalade is a rear-wheel-drive vehicle. We’re not saying they all are, we know they aren’t, but this one sure is. Those front wheels don’t grab the pavement at all. Instead, the rear wheels just spin uselessly. It’s all rather hilarious since we’re not the repo man.

All the old jokes about blinker fluid and speed holes hold a certain amount of truth. As this video plainly exposes, there’s a good chunk of the population which doesn’t know a damn thing about cars, other than how to turn them on and sort of drive them.

If you’re lucky, they know where the gas goes, unless they live in New Jersey. That’s about it.

Even if this Escalade were an all-wheel- or four-wheel-drive vehicle, driving it off the tow truck’s boom like that could damage the tow truck and the Cadillac. And while we know people go all lizard brain in moments like this, we think this is more of a case of not know anything about how stuff works.

But the woman still acts like an immature child, busting out the Escalade’s windows once she realizes she can’t keep it without making the payments. Honey, that’s how the world works.

Image via Kristina Richie/YouTube