
California Electric Car Rebate: Everything You Need to Know

Photo credit: Kanchana Chitkhamma / EyeEm - Getty Images
Photo credit: Kanchana Chitkhamma / EyeEm - Getty Images

From Car and Driver

Take advantage of California electric car rebates to save yourself thousands of dollars. When you purchase your electric vehicle, you can gain tax credits, and later you can access discounts when riding specific California roadways. Your electric car can put money back into your pocket while helping the environment.

Clean Vehicle Rebate Program

The Clean Vehicle Rebate Program (CVRP) strives to put the cleanest vehicles on California roads by offering consumer rebates to lower the initial cost of advanced technologies. These rebates, which are available to California residents who meet specific income requirements and purchase or lease an eligible vehicle, are available on a first-come, first-served basis.


The Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) administers the CVRP. You can submit applications through March 2, 2020, to qualify for the CVRP Grace Period.

To determine if you apply for a rebate or if you want additional information, contact the CSE at 866-984-2532. You can also email the office at or check out their website.

Applying for California Electric Car Rebates

Electric cars most often have a higher sticker price, but you can find ways to have that vehicle pay you back. In addition to the daily gas savings, you can obtain state rebates, discounts on toll roads, carpool benefits, and credits on federal taxes.

Southern California Edison (SCE) customers who purchase or lease an electric vehicle can apply for a rebate of up to $1000 through the Clean Fuel Reward Program.

Make sure you have the following handy when you apply:

  • SEC Service Account Number: This number is located on your SCE bill at the top. For paperless billing, log into your account to locate the number.

  • Vehicle Lease or Purchase Agreement: Obtain a clear photo of all pages of the agreement.

  • Vehicle Registration Card: Upload a photo of your current vehicle registration card. If two names are on the card, choose one person to apply for the rebate. You cannot use temporary registration cards.

You can apply for the CVRP within eighteen months of purchasing an eligible vehicle. Purchasing an electric car can give you a tax credit starting at $2500. Other tax credits are available if the battery size is 5kWh with a cap of $7500 credit if the battery exceeds 16kWh. With the leasing option, the manufacturer claims the tax credit.

Charging Your Electric Car

At home, the best way to charge your electric car is with a Level 2 charger. Simultaneously installing solar panels if you don't already have them, and adding an Electric Car Inverter can help offset the cost of the charger. After the upfront cost, you save additionally as solar panels are one of the cheapest ways to charge vehicles. Also, with this option, you can claim a solar tax credit of 26 percent for the entire cost of the installation.

Roadway Discounts

If you drive an entirely battery-electric car, you might qualify for a Special Access Account that's valid for the 91 Express Lanes. This discount went into effect for clean air vehicles as of January 1, 2019. However, there aren't any discounts on other Fast Trak roll roads in the state.

You might also be able to apply for a Clean Air Vehicle Decal with the California DMV. This would let you be a single driver in the HOV carpool lane. Complete the following to apply: