
Cawthorn's return to Asheville, WNC's 11th District sets up 'messy' Republican primary

Western North Carolina Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn's turnabout this week on where he will seek re-election will result in a "messy" GOP primary, according to a well-versed local political expert.

That includes the possibility of the second primary if none of the current seven candidates get more than 30% of the vote.

The filing period for candidates ends March 4 with the primary May 17.

The first-term Donald Trump-aligned Cawthorn, 26, had said in November he would not seek re-election in his home WNC district, instead running in a district to the east where a more Republican base and the Charlotte area television market could boost his political ambitions.

Rep. Madison Cawthorn has hitched his political wagon to ex-President Donald Trump.
Rep. Madison Cawthorn has hitched his political wagon to ex-President Donald Trump.

But court-ordered congressional maps approved Feb. 24 changed the lines and Cawthorn's calculations. The more eastern district, now called the 10th, includes the Lincoln County home of eight-term GOP Rep. Patrick McHenry, a formidable primary opponent.


Will Madison Cawthorn return to WNC? New districts could push congressman back west

On Feb. 28, Cawthorn announced he was "excited to run in the newly solidified 11th congressional District," whose new lines comprise all or part of the 15 westernmost counties, including Buncombe and his home county of Henderson.

Court-approved congressional districts, including the WNC's 11th District
Court-approved congressional districts, including the WNC's 11th District

He and other candidates are afforded the freedom of movement by constitutional rules that only require House members to live in the state where their district is located, not the district itself.

But his return to the 11th has fundamentally shifted the primary, which the other Republican candidates had seen as a battle between newcomers. According to the North Carolina Board of Elections, the candidates as of 4 p.m. March 1 were:

  • Financial advisor Matthew Burril.

  • Rep. Madison Cawthorn.

  • State Sen. Chuck Edwards.

  • Retired Army Colonel Rod Honeycutt.

  • Navy veteran Wendy Nevarez.

  • Hotel owner Bruce O'Connell.

  • Former 11th District GOP Chair Michele Woodhouse.

The primary "will be messy," said Western Carolina University political science professor Chris Cooper in a series of Feb. 28 tweets about the race, noting that candidates have been attempting to stake out political "lanes."

Edwards, a three-term state senator from Henderson County is running as the "establishment" candidate, Cooper said, while Nevarez, an Asheville legal assistant, is the centrist. Honeycutt is stressing his foreign policy credentials, and Burril and O'Connell, the owner of the Pisgah Inn on the Blue Ridge Parkway are "the business friendly ones."

"Not a lot of lanes left," said Cooper.

The most interesting interactions may come between Cawthorn and Woodhouse, who is also from Henderson County and was supported by the congressman, receiving $2,000 in campaign donations from him.

But Woodhouse has moved to claim the "American First" mantle, a foreign policy doctrine of former President Trump and one championed by Cawthorn who in the early days of the Ukraine invasion said the United States should not "lurch into war and that America's military "does not belong to the world," making the statements despite President Joe Biden's vows not to send troops into Ukraine.

Opinion: Socialism? The irony of Madison Cawthorn's fearmongering

Woodhouse responded to Cawthorn's re-election decision with a one-word statement, "undeterred," followed by a swipe at both Edwards and the congressman.

"Michele V Woodhouse, now the only true America First candidate in the newly drawn NC11 primary, now has the Raleigh's country club establishment politician on one side, and Washington's Instagram broken promises politician on the other!" it said.

Three of the other candidates also criticized Cawthorn's return. Edwards tweeted Feb. 28 that he "would never place the people of Charlotte over the people of WNC."

"In Washington, DC there are already enough talkers. We need more doers," Edwards said in an earlier tweet.

Nevarez in a March 28 tweet argued that Cawthorn had not been serving the district, while O'Connell said the race was "not a game" but "serious business."

"This is not about political fame and fortune, it is about the needs of our District. Affordable homes, Education, Wages, Inflation, Drugs, Crime, Internet accessibility, and more...We need a non politician, a non political insider and a person with business sense and common sense in Washington. That person is me," he said.

Responding to the criticism, Cawthorn spokesperson Luke Ball on March 1 pointed to a portion of Cawthorn's re-election announcement the day before in which he said WNC residents "want a fighter in Congress."

"With their support, I look forward to returning to Washington as a sophomore member and helping enact major change with a historic Republican majority," it said.

Burril, who called himself the "conservative, Christian business candidate" in a Feb. 28 statement did not criticize Cawthorn, saying his "voice and courage resonated with me in the 2020 election as it did with many voters in Western North Carolina."

That race with no incumbent two years ago saw a dozen GOP candidates fight it out in two primaries before Cawthorn's victory.

Cooper, the WCU political science professor, said it would take one candidate getting one more vote than 30% to avoid a second primary, according to state election rules.

"If Vegas is taking lines on N.C. elections, I'd throw my $ on an R runoff," he tweeted.

He also noted the new 11th had more Republican voters but could still see a Democratic win with strong candidates.

By March 1, three Democrats had filed:

  • Buncombe County Commissioner Jasmine Beach-Ferrara.

  • Swannanoa environmental engineer Katie Dean.

  • Asheville social worker Bo Hess.

Other Democrats expected to join the race include high school principal Eric Gash and Amy combat veteran Jay Carey, both of Henderson County. Iraq War veteran Josh Remillard had changed his filing to follow Cawthorn to the east. It is not clear Remillard will refile for the 11th.

While they must first face each other in the primary, some of the Democrats noted Cawthorn's switch. Gash, a Black minister and former football coach, said "deciding to run was never based on whether the district was gerrymandered to my liking or not. We need someone who puts voters ahead of their political aspirations.

Beach-Ferrara, also a minister and nationally known LGTBQ rights activist, called for people to rush donations, even small amounts to her "Rapid Response Fund."

"He works to divide people and spread a brand of extremism that is dangerous to our democracy," she said. "We are out there organizing and building a campaign based on the values of love, empathy and how we move forward together."

Beach-Ferrara had $1.2 million through Dec. 31, according to the latest Federal Election Commission campaign finance filings. After expenditures, she had $404,000 in cash left by year's end.

Cawthorn had raised $2.9 million and had $282,000 left.

Joel Burgess has lived in WNC for more than 20 years, covering politics, government and other news. He's written award-winning stories on topics ranging from gerrymandering to police use of force. Got a tip? Contact Burgess at, 828-713-1095 or on Twitter @AVLreporter. Please help support this type of journalism with a subscription to the Citizen Times.

This article originally appeared on Asheville Citizen Times: Cawthorn return to Asheville, WNC's district means 'messy' GOP primary