
Chemtrail Bans Introduced In 7 States Now That Republicans Have Solved All The Real Problems

Spooky - Photo: Mario Tama / Staff (Getty Images)
Spooky - Photo: Mario Tama / Staff (Getty Images)

Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano made headlines recently when he floated legislation that would ban chemtrails, which aren’t real and only exist in the minds of unhinged conspiracy theorists. His bill wasn’t entirely original, though, as it was modeled after a similar bill that recently passed the state senate in Tennessee. As Substack’s Radical Reports reports, these are far from the only chemtrail bills being introduced around the country, and wouldn’t you know it, the sponsors are all Republicans.

In Rhode Island, State Senator Elaine Morganintroduced SB 2540, which would “prohibit stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), solar radiation modification (SRM) experimentation, and other hazardous weather engineering activities.” And in Kentucky, State Representative Steve Rawlings introduced HB 506, which would ban “any form of geoengineering activities,” including “intentional manipulation of the environment, through an atmospheric polluting activity, to effect changes to the earth’s atmosphere or surface.”