
Christian Von Koenigsegg Praises The C8 Corvette

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Yes, he really did…

In case you missed it, back in August hypercar company founder Christian Von Koenigsegg, yes that Koenigsegg, called the C8 Corvette a “mind-blowing” machine. That got a lot of ‘Vette enthusiasts worked up and ruffled the feathers of many who own far more expensive, exotic vehicles. But if you know anything about Koenigsegg, that’s just par for the course.

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Koenigsegg was quoted as saying the C8 Corvette is a good “gang for the buck” vehicle. The Corvette always has been a tremendous value, with many arguing the mid-engine platform switch has only increased that equation. This was said during Monterey Car Week where many automotive industry executives gathered to watch the auctions and rub shoulders with many well-heeled collectors.

After making that statement, the man went on to marvel that GM could produce such a vehicle “for that kind of money” offering that kind of level of performance” calling the results “mind-blowing.” Yes, Ford fans might be seething about this statement and are busy trying to dig up dirt on Koenigsegg to de-validate the man’s statement, but they would be over the moon if he said something similar about the GT supercar.


In comparison, Koenigsegg are amazing hypercars but they cost more than most houses on the market today. They’re truly exclusive machines meant only for a close circle of customers, so close that the owner of the company apparently knows each and every one of them. We don’t imagine GM executives know everyone driving a C8 Corvette.

Still, after praising the C8 Corvette, Koenigsegg reportedly was quick to add that his own creations can spank it sideways. Hey, the man is a superlative competitor and takes great pride in his work. Considering how impressive his hypercars are, we think he has plenty of room to talk trash.

Source: The Drive

Images via GM

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