
Christina Aguilera Unfollows Britney Spears After Latest Bizarre Post

Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera

Another feud between Britney and Xtina in the year 2022?? Say it isn’t so!

Britney Spears has been using social media to speak her mind freely ever since the end of her conservatorship, and it hasn’t always necessarily been the best move.

Recently, she shared a quote attributed to Rodney Dangerfield that reads, “I found there was only one way to look thin: hang out with fat people.”

In and of itself, that would have been cringeworthy, at best, but Spears made things worse with her own added caption about never getting to choose the people she had been around, seemingly implying her “confidence would have been a bit better” if she had been able to surround herself with people bigger than her.


And that’s when she dragged Christina Aguilera into it.

“I wish I could have chosen the nannies for my children … my dancers … I mean if I had Christina Aguilera’s dancers I would have looked extremely small,” Spears wrote. “I mean why not talk about it??”

Well, one reason not to talk about it is that it’s pretty rude and offensive, something many commenters immediately picked up on and called her out over.

“Body shaming others is not the move,” wrote @bustastace.

“Oof. Love Britt- but this was in bad taste,” @devynheaven agreed. “Body shaming to make yourself feel better is not where it’s at.”