
Chrysler 300 Police Chase Ends Abruptly

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One little detail made all the difference…

A police chase in Los Angeles got underway after a man took a Chrysler 300 when it was stopped in the south portion of the city by the harbor. Even though police weren’t hot on his tail, the driver pushed the car hard along the Hollywood Freeway, wound throw tight residential streets, and did everything he could think of to ditch them. Ultimately, his downfall was a simple oversight many have fallen victim to throughout the years: the car ran out of gas.

See a rental Corvette lead police on a chase here.

Police in the Los Angeles area unfortunately have a lot of experience with dangerous pursuits. They hang back so the guy doesn’t see cops right behind him and take even more risks, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Meanwhile, a police helicopter and news chopper shadow the Chrysler the entire time, so he never was going to get away. It’s kind of entertaining to watch the futility of his poorly thought-out plan.

image credit: YouTube
image credit: YouTube