
Clint Eastwood Drives a GMC Typhoon

From Road & Track

Clint Eastwood just appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to promote Sully, but part of the conversation turned to what sort of car he drives.

Fallon said that many people probably imagined him driving a muscle car, which I think sounds about right. Eastwood seems like an AMX sort of guy to me, someone that won't take no shit from nobody.

But Eastwood doesn't drive a muscle car. He drives a truck that's faster than a Ferrari: The GMC Typhoon. When we tested the Typhoon wayyyyy back in 1992, it got to 60 in 5.6 seconds and ran the 1/4 mile in 14.3 seconds. Maybe not fast by today's standards, but in the early 1990s that was a scorching time for anything, let alone a small SUV.


It's the perfect choice for Eastwood: Something that's distinctly American that can knock the socks off of almost anything from other countries. Fantastic.

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