
Colossal Crash on Lap One of the Monaco Grand Prix Eliminates 20 Percent of Grid

a machine on the air
Colossal Crash at Monaco Brings Red Flag, Lap 1@F1/Twitter

On the opening lap of the Monaco Grand Prix on Sunday morning, chaos assumed at the back of the grid. Kevin Magnussen, who was allowed to race after he and his Haas teammate Niko Hulkenberg had their qualification times disallowed, tried to make a costly overtake of Red Bull's Sergio Perez.

When Perez and Magnussen collided, Perez was sent across the track and collected Hulkenberg as well. Luckily, all drivers were able to walk away from the incident.

Perez's and Magnussen's cars both had to be airlifted from the tight Monaco streets as twisted heaps of metal and carbon fiber.

Elsewhere on the track on the opening lap, two other incidents occurred, Carlos Sainz went off from the third position after light contact with Oscar Piastri resulted in a tire puncture, and Esteban Ocon tried to make a risky overtake on his teammate Pierre Gasly.


The latter resulted in Ocon's car being lifted from behind before slamming back into the asphalt below, causing race-ending damage to the Alpine driver. Gasly will continue on as the only Alpine fighting for points.

The stewards noted that the damage done was brought out solely due to Ocon's aggressive attempt, and the French driver was docked five grid positions after retirement.

Sainz was able to replace his tire and keep his third-place position when the race resumed.

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