
Custom DeLorean By Certainly Is Interesting

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But please don’t copy this, like at all…

Celebrity gets a lot of attention for doing whacky things, and we hear he’s a musician of some sort as well. One of his favorite topics for polarizing the public is coming up with some very… interesting car customizations. Perhaps his most controversial project, which was assembled by West Coast Customs, is a DeLorean which looks like something out of a cartoon.

Check out how Chip Foose redesigned the DeLorean here.

The Black Eyed Peas member founded his own car company called IAMAUTO. It’s a play on words which is supposed to show you how clever the man is, a true Bill Shakespeare. Anyway, the brand allows the man to really show off his love of cars, especially taking something which looks pretty decent and is beloved, like the DeLorean, and turning it into a rolling joke.

ADVERTISEMENT isn’t in the garage fabricating his designs. Instead, he draws them out and then has other people do the work, mainly West Coast Customs. He cut his teeth by doing a whacky take on the 1957 Corvette, then he moved on to the star of the Back to the Future series, the DeLorean.

Among the many things done to the DeLorean, which was a perfectly fine example and not one that was crashed, is the addition of a widebody kit, sunken-in headlights, LED lighting, revised front fascia with vicious canard-like additions, reworked hood, bolstered side air vents, 20-inch multi-fin wheels, and a more powerful engine. He wasn’t wrong to address the fact the DeLorean has always been grossly underpowered, but the other modifications completely wipe away what makes the DeLorean so recognizable and beloved.

Apparently, this weird take on the DeLorean is spreading, at least among celebrities. Will told music podcast On With Mario Lopez he gifted it to fellow musician J Balvin after finding out the man was making a replica. We wonder if anyone else has been considering following’s lead, because Balvin can’t be the only one. It’s a scary thought, but we’re in October so it’s the right season for such a thing.

Source: Times News

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