
Diesel tuner in Idaho fined $1 million by the EPA for selling emissions defeat devices

Diesel tuner in Idaho fined $1 million by the EPA for selling emissions defeat devices

A few days ago, the EPA announced that diesel emissions defeat devices were no longer its top priority, moving instead toward harsher regulation on PFAS (“forever chemicals”) and other environmental issues. However, as it shifts its focus, there will be a few cases that trickle through under the administration’s preceding efforts. An Idaho tuning shop is finding out that the long arm of the law extends beyond the EPA’s defined priorities, as it was recently fined $1 million for selling diesel emissions defeat devices.

GDP Tuning LLC, also known as Gorilla Performance, bellied up to the bar with a $1 million fine for selling “tens of thousands of tuning devices,” which allowed diesel truck owners to bypass emissions control components. Despite announcing its shift in focus, the EPA has fined other tuners this year to the same degree, including Sinister Diesel, which earned its $1 million fine earlier this month.