
Disney's Lucasfilm Is Reportedly Suing a Star Wars-Themed Car Wash

a dog standing in front of a sign
Lucasfilm Is Suing 'Star Wars'-Themed Car Washstarwashchile/Instagram

A small Chilean car wash named "Star Wash" is being sued by the Walt Disney production company Lucasfilm over its resemblances to the iconic "Star Wars" media franchise, Reuters reports.

The law firm representing the small business claims that Lucasfilm wants to block the use of the name Star Wash. The media enterprise argues that the car wash could mistakenly be confused as being affiliated with the “Star Wars” franchise, Reuters reports.

Star Wash is located near the Chilean capital Santiago. The business has its employees dress up as various characters from the popular “Star Wars” film franchise. Star Wash uses the same “Star Wars” font in their signage while incorporating a little car into the logo. It all seems to be in good fun, but the lawyers see it differently.


The owner of the car wash is Matias Jara. The law firm representing him explains that he was in the process of registering his brand with Chilean patent authority INAPI when he received the lawsuit from Lucasfilm. Lucasfilm does not seem to be concerned about the employees dressed as characters from “Star Wars," but it is concerned over the Star Wash name. The name was thought of by Jara’s young daughter after a trip to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, Reuters reports.

Jara plans to fight the lawsuit. He feels that the name is different enough that no one would confuse it for being affiliated with the film franchise. He also argues that the “Star Wars” copyright covers things such as toys, furniture, and non-alcoholic drinks, but it does not stretch to washing cars. Jara points out that he does not sell any “Star Wars"-related products. But, he does offer a “stellar” car wash.

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