
Domestic Violence Call Leads To Car Theft Ring Bust

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Domestic Violence Call Leads To Car Theft Ring Bust
Domestic Violence Call Leads To Car Theft Ring Bust

Cops responding to a domestic violence call in Alabama had no idea they were about to stumble onto evidence of a huge Texas car theft ring. But all it took was an explosive disagreement between a couple and the top was blown off the whole operation.

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They say hell hath no fury like a scorned woman, and this case sure is a shining example of that. A prominent businessman found himself behind bars after his girlfriend called police for help after a physical fight, then told officers he was hiding stolen vehicles.

She then showed officers where two high-end Camaros and a GMC Sierra were being kept. All three vehicles had been reported stolen out of Dallas, Texas, reports WKRG. Quite a few of these theft rings have safe houses or locations in another part of the country where they’ll store stolen cars until the heat dies down some, then either try to resell them or chop them up and sell the parts.


Investigators believe up to 20 vehicles were involved in this operation, although we wonder if that isn’t just the tip of the iceberg. They say the cars and trucks were stolen from dealers, driveways, and hotel parking lots.

They also believe the vehicles were stolen using cloned key fobs. Usually, any damage inside the car, or the absence thereof, will help indicate how thieves stole it.

While it’s great to see a theft ring get taken down, we can’t help but question if police only got some of it. After all, a lot of these organizations are huge, spread out, and often don’t have information on the larger group so they can’t spill the beans to authorities. Still, a win is a win.

Image via WKRG/YouTube

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