
Domino’s Orders The DXP, A Custom Pizza-Delivery Machine


When you deliver 400 million pizzas a year, you should do it with some style.

On Tuesday, Domino’s delivered the ultimate pizza mobile. And it’s a supreme, with all the fixings and extra cheese. It can carry 80 pizzas, has a 140-degree Fahrenheit warmer and more bottle holders than a fleet of minivans. Meet the Domino’s DXP, the first vehicle ever designed by a pizza maker.

“We’re more than a pizza company, we’re a technology company,” said Russell Weiner, president of Domino’s USA, pointing to its apps and innovations in cooking. And with 100,000 drivers, who collectively cruise a cool 10 million miles a week, the idea for a special vehicle made sense.


The DXP, unveiled at its Ann Arbor, Michigan, headquarters on Tuesday, took more than three years of development. The company first approached startup Local Motors about the idea, which attempted to crowdsource its design, taking suggestions from 35,000 people around the world. That led them to look for a fuel-efficient hatchback that could feature a number of innovative ideas. Many people suggested a side-opening, like a big window, where a delivery person could quickly grab pizzas. Others suggested removing the passenger’s seats and replacing them with pizzas. Everyone included outrageous advertising on the exterior so it could act like a rolling billboard.