
Don’t Run The Trick Or Treaters Over Tonight

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Don’t Run The Trick Or Treaters Over Tonight
Don’t Run The Trick Or Treaters Over Tonight

With it being Halloween, even though it’s a Tuesday, kids will be out and about asking for treats. Inevitably, there are some accidents on this spooky night, which is why drivers need to be extra careful.

Fatal hit and run caught on doorbell camera.

According to Safe Kids Worldwide, children are twice as likely to be hit by a vehicle on Halloween than any other day of the year. It’s no wonder considering so many are on foot, going door to door. That, combined with adults who just aren’t paying attention is a disaster waiting to happen.

We get that there are plenty of distractions tonight, from cool yard displays to figuring out where you’re going. You might be trying to find a house where you’re supposed to attend a Halloween party or figuring out exactly where to drop off your children to go trick or treating. But as a driver your primary task is to pay attention to your surroundings, including watching for kids crossing the road.


Too often, drivers on Halloween get behind the wheel after they’ve been drinking. This happens on every holiday, unfortunately, but on this night what’s thrown in the mix is plenty of pedestrians. Our advice is simple: drive sober. If you’re going to drink, have a designated driver or call a taxi/rideshare service.

Parents can do their part by walking with their little ones, having kids wear glowing or flashing items to increase visibility in the dark, and talking with their children about how to safely cross the road.

While drivers need to do their part, pedestrians also need to play it safe tonight. Trick or treaters need to stay on sidewalks and away from the road whenever that’s possible. Always assume drivers don’t see you instead of trusting that they do. Playing it safe is the best policy.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Image via Yuting Gao