
Dragon Quest chief producer has left Square Enix, but "would like to continue making games"

 Dragon Quest 11
Dragon Quest 11

Ryutaro Ichimura, one of the lead producers on Square Enix's Dragon Quest team, is leaving the studio to pursue a more "high-risk environment".

He has made the heartfelt announcement on Twitter, citing that his great love for Dragon Quest is what brought him to Final Fantasy 16 studio Square Enix around 22 years ago in the first place.

"Motivation for applying: because I like Dragon Quest," Ichimura shares in our translation of his tweet, lifting his own words from a resumé he found among his office affairs while sorting through them. "Born in the year of the dragon, joined the company in the year of the dragon, was assigned to Dragon Quest department, and became a Dragon Quest producer; it felt like something destined."