
You Can Drive a 300SL in the 2024 Mille Miglia

mercedes 300 sl 1000 miglia stage
You Can Drive a 300SL in the 2024 Mille MigliaMercedes-Benz AG - Mercedes-Benz Classic Communications

Mercedes-Benz Classic is going to make the 2024 Mille Miglia an unforgettable experience for a select group of wealthy customers, putting them in on the starting grid in one of three original 300SL Gullwings.

Mercedes-Benz is no stranger to the race, becoming the first brand from outside of Italy to take home the overall win back in 1931. Sir Stirling Moss and co-driver Denis Jenkinson later took home first place in the 1955, completing the 1000-Roman-mile journey in a blistering 10 hours, seven minutes and 48 seconds in the famed 300 SLR. That's an average of 100 mph. It remains one of the more memorable moments in the event’s history, and a record on the course to this day. The standard 300SL also had much success in the 1955 race, capturing the class victory for GT cars with a displacement above 1.3 liters.

mille miglia 1955 mercedes benz 300 sl w 198
Mercedes-Benz AG - Mercedes-Benz Classic Communications

The race transitioned into a time-speed-distance rally in the Seventies, which means you won’t be doing those sorts of speeds should you join the event today. That said, you can still experience the Italian countryside in a 300SL with the help of a Mercedes-Benz Classic, if you have at least $163,000 laying around. While that’s undeniably a lot of cash, the package includes more than your entry into the race with a borrowed 300SL. A professional racer will serve as your co-driver throughout the event, while Mercedes-Benz will supply a team of mechanics and logistical support to ensure things go smoothly. You’ll even get a chance to get familiar with the 300SL during a track day in Stuttgart, which in itself is an awesome experience. Mercedes-Benz only has room to bring three customers along, but will draw names to select the drivers should the entry list get more interest. If this sounds like your type of endeavor, you can sign up at the link provided here. It is sure to be the driving experience of a lifetime, assuming the patrons don’t already own a 300SL. With that sort of budget, they just might.

mercedes benz classic 300sl gullwing on side of road during mille miglia with doors up
Mercedes-Benz AG - Mercedes-Benz Classic Communications

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