
Driving a Lotus Elise Every Day Is Like Chess

Photo credit: Everyday Driver - YouTube
Photo credit: Everyday Driver - YouTube

From Road & Track

The Lotus Elise is one of the best-handling cars of the 2000s, praised by many as one of the greatest driver's cars you can buy at any price. It's incredibly lightweight, small, and barebones, with almost no interior to speak of. The Elise was built for back-road carving and track-lapping, but not much else.

That hasn't stopped one owner, Todd Deeken from the Everyday Driver YouTube channel, from driving his every day to and from work. As you'd expect, he has to make some compromises.

The most impeding part of the Elise is its size. Not only is it hard to get in and out of, but it's also hard for other motorists to spot on the road. Blind spots are also an issue, as well as storage space. Deeken points out there's not much sound deadening in the cabin, either.


Since visibility is so poor, Deeken often has to keep track of other cars on the freeway and strategize his drive to make sure he doesn't have any close calls-it's like a game of chess, except the pieces are several tons and moving 70 mph with people inside.

Though it may be stressful during a commute, one turn on a backroad has Deeken convinced he wouldn't want to be driving anything else. Makes sense to us.

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