
Dual Modified Nissan GT-Rs Catch Fire at SEMA Cruise 2023

a red sports car parked on a street at night
Dual Modified Nissan GT-Rs Catch Fire at SEMAJackUltraMotive/YouTube

The annual Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) show is the primary event where creativity meets cars, and the builds run from mild to wild. SEMA Cruise, a parade of customized vehicles, is the traditional closer; this year it included a fiery end for two Nissan GT-Rs.

On November 3, the rolling car show came to a brief halt when two Nissan GT-Rs—one red, one white—pulled over just in front of a police motorcycle. Sporting a large Rohana Wheels logo on the windshield, the red GT-R started spitting fire from the exhaust pipes and smoking. The driver hopped out of the car, followed closely by two passengers and the security attempted to keep the crowd back.

An announcer said, “Everybody back; the car’s on fire” and the driver began hopping around the GT-R in some kind of strange dance. Bravado or anxiety; we’re not sure. Another yellow-vested officer arrived with an extinguisher and tamped down the flames, but it was too late for the GT-R to continue the cruise.


“Every time I drive it, something costs me $10,000 at least, bro,” the driver said to a bystander. “Thankfully, nobody got hurt. We’ll make it faster, we’ll make it cooler.”

Nearby, a white GT-R wearing stickers from the Liberty Walk shop started pouring smoke and got the same extinguisher treatment.

It’ll buff out.

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