
An electric Koenigsegg could be in the brand's future

Koenigsegg CEO and namesake Christian von Koenigsegg has peered into his company's future and an electric supercar could be part of it.

The CEO, whose daily driver is a Tesla Model S, told AutoGuide in an interview published Friday that his company is incredibly interested in electrified powertrains, and that interest could eventually spawn a purely electric supercar.

He spoke of the Regera, which features an internal combustion engine combined with an electric drive system that the carmaker calls Direct Drive. The system includes three electric motors that produce 700 horsepower and provide torque vectoring and regenerative braking capability. The whole "no transmission" element is part of the Direct Drive system, which employs a single-speed gear reduction for the twin-turbo 5.0-liter V-8 in the car. Total power output stands at 1,500 hp.

It's this electrified solution that has Koenigsegg interested in more electrified powertrains, and according to him the Regera's system keeps his company on the "bleeding edge of EV technology."

Christian von Koenigsegg and the Koenigsegg One:1
Christian von Koenigsegg and the Koenigsegg One:1

"We could, of course, expand on that and push for more EV and maybe not reduce the combustion engine side," he said, "or eventually make something that’s only EV, and I think that will come. That technology is getting better and better very rapidly."


Surely, whatever electric Koenigsegg that could come in the future will have downright bonkers performance as all the company's supercars do.

But, future electrified powertrains from the company won't be due to emissions, just performance, Koenigsegg added. And such a car doesn't seem immediate, either. The executive said one of the reasons customers want a Koenigsegg is for the raucous noise produced from the engine. A silent Koenigsegg just wouldn't be the same.