
EPA Rolls Out 2027 Car Emissions Standards

These will be fun to pay for.

As expected, today the United States Environmental Protection Agency rolled out its new vehicle emissions standards set to go into effect for the 2027 model year. The federal government agency proudly declared this move will “avoid nearly 10 billion tons of CO2 emissions” which apparently is “more than double the total carbon emissions” in this country for 2022. Someone needs to tell the plants CO2 is a dangerous toxin and not necessary for life.

Learn how the EPA is aggressively targeting aftermarket car parts here.

While the EPA is spinning this move as a win against air pollution, there’s zero doubt it will be a loss for your wallet. Every time the government imposes new regulatory standards the operational costs for automakers increase and guess who gets that cost passed along to them. You, the consumer must shell out more and more for new cars, something you undoubtedly have noticed lately.


For its part, the EPA isn’t even trying to hide this action is all about pushing people into buying EVs. In its official announcement of the new emissions standards it says: “Depending on the compliance pathways manufacturers select to meet the standards, EPA projects that EVs could account for 67% of new light-duty vehicle sales and 46% of new medium-duty vehicle sales in MY 2032.” Instead of the market deciding what it wants, arguably one of the most democratic processes in our country, a small group of federal regulators are going to force your private decision.

Obviously, not everyone is happy about this move. Apart from everyday people, iSeeCars’ Executive Analyst Karl Brauer had some scathing commentary on the EPA’s move:

“The Biden Administration’s latest and more aggressive EPA mandates would require an unrealistic level of investment in everything from vehicle production to infrastructure support. The Inflation Reduction Act already illustrated how moving too quickly can actually hurt electric vehicle sales, as fewer EVs qualify for tax credits today than qualified 6 months ago.”

“If this rate of EV market share requirement is implemented, within the proposed time frame, it will impact every aspect of the auto industry in the form of lost jobs and dramatic price hikes for both EVs and gasoline models. These increases will either drive the price of new vehicles beyond the average American’s budget or put multiple global automakers in financial peril. Likely both, in that order.”

Others are celebrating the move as they see tailpipe emissions as a serious health and climate risk. For example, Moms Clean Air Force Senior Legislative and Regulatory Policy Manager Melody Reis said in a prepared statement:

“Moms Clean Air Force celebrates this historic step forward in cleaning up tailpipe emissions and moving towards a nation of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs). Cars and trucks play a critical role in our lives and our economy, but the pollution they generate is toxic for our families and communities. Vehicle exhaust is a major contributor to climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions and has been linked to numerous health harms, like asthma, strokes, heart attacks, and cancer.”

Without a single vote of Congress, the administrative state through one of its most aggressive enforcement agencies is seeking to force a nationwide ban of internal combustion engine vehicle sales. That’s right, whether you like it or not, regulators are moving to make it essentially impossible to buy a car that runs on gas or diesel, forcing you into an EV. This of course won’t happen overnight but gradually, like a boa constrictor squeezing out its prey. But don’t worry, it’s for your own good.

The amazing thing is some people are arguing this isn’t an ICE ban. Sure, it isn’t a hard and fast ban like what California has, but it will have the same net effect. By dialing up emissions standards so far, precious few people will be able to afford a car that burns gas or diesel, making them more playthings for the well-heeled as the bulk of the citizenry is forced to purchase an EV if they want a new vehicle.

If you think the EPA exercising administrative law without an act of Congress will stop here, you haven’t been paying attention in the past couple of decades. This move is just another rung on the ladder to make you comply with the grand vision of technocrats who supposedly know better. What they ultimately want is to outlaw the combustion of fossil fuels. Well, in your vehicle. It’s doubtful that will happen in the electricity generation end of things, so your EV will still be powered largely by fossil fuels

As I’ve detailed out before, the EPA has launched a surprisingly aggressive campaign against aftermarket car parts it’s decided are “emissions defeat devices.” Like other federal regulators, they’ve decided to use a very broad definition to go after businesses and individuals, sometimes literally with guns drawn, and often ruining people financially without so much as a tear shed. After all, they’re protecting all of us from the climate.

Images via Mikechie Esparagoza, Genaro Servin, Lina Mamone, Quintin Gellar

The post EPA Rolls Out 2027 Car Emissions Standards appeared first on The Auto Wire.