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9 reasons you need to hang eucalyptus in your shower yesterday

When it comes to luxe bathroom upgrades on a not-very-luxe budget, eucalyptus is the long-reigning MVP.

Sure, you can stock your bathroom with a fresh bouquet of flowers, hang art on the walls or invest in a fluffy bath mat — but none give as much as eucalyptus. We’re not just talking about throwing a handful of the gorgeous greens in a pretty vase and calling it a day. Eucalyptus should be hung from its rightful throne in the bathroom, aka your showerhead.

Whether your bathroom can comfortably fit all your childhood belongings or is smaller and danker than the average freshman dorm, everyone can reap the glorious power of the small but mighty plant. But if you’re generally skeptical of viral home hacks, we broke down the nine most important reasons your shower needs eucalyptus below.

Reasons to Hang Eucalyptus in Your Shower

1. Because it looks nice


2. To pretend you’re at a spa in Aspen

Hanging a eucalyptus bunch in your shower lets you experience all of the fragrant plant’s aromatherapeutic properties (more on that below!)


Obviously, your shower is not a resort in Aspen, but tying eucalyptus to your showerhead will make you forget about the maybe spot of black mold your landlord refuses to acknowledge and that your knees hit the door when using the toilet — at least for a hot second.

3. Decrease your levels of stress and anxiety

OK, it’s not just the general spa vibes of hanging eucalyptus that can calm you down. One 2014 clinical study found that inhaling eucalyptus significantly reduced anxiety, blood pressure and mood in participants. This is your sign to introduce the glorious practice of midday WFH showers without your boss knowing.

Even though this is great news, we still recommend consulting a mental health professional if you’re struggling with anxiety, depression or mood disorders.

4. Prep your bathroom for an upcoming Architectural Digest tour

Move over Dakota Johnson and your bowl of limes — there’s about to be a new viral AD tour popping off on YouTube.

5. To save so much cash on Zyrtec

When it comes to Public Enemy No. 1 (read: allergies), we’d try literally anything to help out our sad stuffy sinuses. One of the most well-known claims of eucalyptus is that it contains anti-inflammatory properties. Eucalyptol — the main chemical compound in eucalyptus — has been found to work as a nasal decongestant and cough suppressant by breaking down mucus and phlegm to open up your airways. Basically, eucalyptus is kryptonite for seasonal allergies.

6. Cut back on your coffee intake like you keep telling yourself you will

Another dope eucalyptus party trick is that it’s super effective at boosting energy and promoting mental clarity. One randomized clinical study found that by clearing the airwaves, eucalyptus allows more oxygen into your lungs, relieving brain fog and increasing cognitive performance.

Instead of reaching for that second, third or even fourth cup of iced coffee, just turn your newly-adorned shower on and breathe in all that good.