
Expand Your Horizons With This Jeep-Looking Amphibious WaterCar

Photo credit: Worldwide Auctioneers
Photo credit: Worldwide Auctioneers

From Road & Track

If you're tired of having to hop out of your beach car and into a boat every time you want to hit the water, then do we have the car for you. It's a WaterCar Panther, an amphibious vehicle that looks like an elongated Jeep Wrangler. It can travel by land or by sea, and you should buy it.

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Built in Fountain Valley, California, the WaterCar Panther is a fully functioning car and boat, which can raise its wheels up and propel itself through the water at the flip of a switch. Though it wears a Jeep Wrangler-inspired face, the Panther is a vehicle built entirely from scratch. It uses a 3.7-liter 305-horsepower VTEC Honda V6 engine that powers the vehicle both on land (through a four-speed manual transmission) and on water (through a marine jet-drive). Top speed in the water is 45 mph.


The company put out a promotional video in 2013 that demonstrates the Panther's impressive capabilities. Caution: This video is incredibly cheesy.

If you can't view the YouTube video above, click here.

This particular 2014 Panther is reportedly the first customer example, having only spent a total of 20 hours in the water. It's set to sell at the Worldwide Auctioneers Auburn auction in Indiana on September 1st. The auction house doesn't list a sale price estimate, but does say this vehicle will be sold without reserve. The Panther starts at around $172,000 new, which might give you a ballpark idea of how much this car will fetch. Judging by the pictures, it looks to be in great condition, ready for any beach activities you can throw at it.

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